The link above is a collection of photos with social media testimonials, comments, and heartwarming stories of animals sharing their appreciation after sessions. Please scroll through the photos to read.
Melissa Shelton DVM, CA, CEMT/ Titus, Dog – “Well, I’m sure you know how impressed we are with your reading! We do say to him all the time “It will get better.” I’ll tell you a bit of Titus’ back story, and then it will also show a lot of what he was talking about too! And just when I think “hmmm, I don’t understand that part of what he is saying”… I go back to it later and start to gain understanding or remember something like restraint for xrays or injections etc… that he “just wanted us to do and get over with it”
(Titus told Angie “they always say “it will get better.”)
Visit Dr. Melissa’s Website for essential oils for your pet. She is world renowed for the oils she makes for pet’s, with her veterinarian background.
Good morning Angie! Thank you for the reading with Bella. I’ve read the transcript probably a dozen times already! I absolutely cannot believe how accurate it was! So in depth and thorough! Bella certainly does attract a lot of attention. Literally everywhere we go people will stop and ask if they can say hi. She loves it! And she is right, she is definitely my baby. We have an incredible bond! She is a child to me, and I treat her just as I do my human kids! It brings tears of joy to my eyes to hear how happy she is and how much she loves her life! I found it interesting that she talked about the food I feed her! So glad she loves it because it’s not cheap LOL. She gets fed human grade fresh food, not kibble. Since she is an English Bulldog I am constantly cleaning her wrinkles and her eyes and tail. I always thought that she was “irritated” with that but it’s great to know that she appreciates it! I think more than anything is that I love that she loves when I get close to her face and talk to her, tell her how much I love her. I probably say I love you dozens of times a day!!
This reading was the most amazing experience! Thank you so much ❤
Good morning Angie,
You described Pearl to a “T”. We have only had her for four years. Someone dumped her or she ran away from her former home around the time of the 4th of July fireworks. She used to hate fireworks when she could hear better. She had horrible mange and was very thin. I don’t think she was abused, but was horribly neglected. There have been a lot of changes in the four years she’s been with us. We lost two of our older dogs within a year. One due to cancer and the other had an excruciatingly painful herniated disc reoccur. We adopted a sweet but rambunctious boxer mix who thinks he’s the center of the universe. She adapted with grace and dignity.
I am her person, as you described. I always see the love and devotion she has for me. She follows me all over the house. I feel thankful and am so grateful to have her in my life.
She’s absolutely right about the food. I have to switch things up every couple of days. I sprinkle cheese or other stuff on top of it to entice her. It’s no problem for me. I do anything for our furry kids.
I have a small heating pad just for pets. I used to for our cat who passed away. I’ll get it out for Pearl.
Pearl’s digging is pretty much only with blankets and chairs now. Haha. I did a DNA test on her. She’s mostly Terrier/Chihuahua. Her personality is definitely more terrier.
Pearl also likes and is extremely tolerant of children. She is very curious and sweet when our grandson comes to visit from Chicago.
I wasn’t expecting such a wonderfully detailed session. Thank you so much!
Hi Angie, Thank you again for connecting with Atticus. Your gift is VERY special! You and Atticus accurately described his nature. I knew he was smart and had a big heart but didn’t realize he knew how special he is. He is wise and laid back for sure.
Atticus came to us with one toy and showed very little interest in playing with it. We were puzzled but to our surprise and delight, we found out what the purpose of the toy was. Greet my humans at the door when they returned from work or an outing! We laughed and laughed and rolled on the floor with Atticus the first time it happened! You were correct about Atticus and his toys! Oh, and of course Billy rewards him with treats while I reward him with love and affection.
The answer Atticus gave “I am sad about the loss of a friend I don’t see anymore” leads me to believe he’s referring to Tedy, the bulldog previous house mate. And occasionally we do have young children (family) visiting and Atticus really does enjoy them.
Question #4, his fears, was accurate as well. When we raise our voices (usually in an argument), he’ll take off to another room and we feel terrible. We acknowledge him and reassure him that everything is okay and that we’re sorry that we scared him.
We do spend a lot of time outside in the yard and Atticus has free reign of the property and does lift his nose a lot (see picture below!) to take in the different scents! I have many flowers, plants,vegetable garden, etc… and we have many wildlife critters and creatures!
The “new place” we went to was a trip to Angell Memorial Hospital in Boston. We ended up spending 30 minutes outside on their nice property before the appointment. He’s having difficulty getting in and out of the car so we don’t go on adventures anymore unless they’re appointments. Because of what he said, I will make it a point to do some recreational outings.
So thank you Angie for being a significant part of our journey. I love your spirit as does Atticus! You are a huge blessing!!
Ramie S, Beau/Horse – Wow. Just wow. This is so spot on for him!! I haven’t had time to ride since then, which explains why he’s upset he hasn’t been able to run lately. He likes speed!! (Beau told Angie he misses running). The first photo was the photo sent for the session, after the session the second photo was sent to Angie to show why Beau stated he “misses running”.
“You nailed it again! Beckham was an orphan baby that was brought into our class while I was in vet tech school in 2007. I found out early on that you have to let Beckham sniff your hand before petting. I feel like this is akin to a curtsy for the queen. If we don’t do that, we risk being nipped. I’m sorry for blathering, but your chat with Beckham really touched me. I wanted to tell you a bit of his life story. “
Angie Morin:
Good morning Angie,
You described Pearl to a “T”. We have only had her for four years. Someone dumped her or she ran away from her former home around the time of the 4th of July fireworks. She used to hate fireworks when she could hear better. She had horrible mange and was very thin. I don’t think she was abused, but was horribly neglected. There have been a lot of changes in the four years she’s been with us. We lost two of our older dogs within a year. One due to cancer and the other had an excruciatingly painful herniated disc reoccur. We adopted a sweet but rambunctious boxer mix who thinks he’s the center of the universe. She adapted with grace and dignity.
I am her person, as you described. I always see the love and devotion she has for me. She follows me all over the house. I feel thankful and am so grateful to have her in my life.
She’s absolutely right about the food. I have to switch things up every couple of days. I sprinkle cheese or other stuff on top of it to entice her. It’s no problem for me. I do anything for our furry kids.
I have a small heating pad just for pets. I used to for our cat who passed away. I’ll get it out for Pearl.
Pearl’s digging is pretty much only with blankets and chairs now. Haha. I did a DNA test on her. She’s mostly Terrier/Chihuahua. Her personality is definitely more terrier.
Pearl also likes and is extremely tolerant of children. She is very curious and sweet when our grandson comes to visit from Chicago.
I wasn’t expecting such a wonderfully detailed session. Thank you so much!
Mari M./Stella, Dog. Angel Session – HOLY WOW is right! I am BAWLING SOBBING BLUBBERING UGLY CRYING!!!! My sweet girl. Thank you so so much! And she did give me a big lick right as the vet put the shot in her catheter. Bless her little heart. Stella was the first “person” in my entire life that I felt UNCONDITIONAL love from. She was my soul mate – a piece of my soul that I never knew I was missing until she came along. I miss her so much and I am so glad she is with me. Thank you for connecting with her and sending me this beautiful reading. Made my heart sing….and bawl!! (Stella told Angie she kissed her mom as she crossed the rainbow bridge. Stella said ” It was one of the best memories in life because I gave all my love to her in that kiss. Its everything I had to give”).
Jennifer T/ Poca, Dog – First picture is what her human sent me for the session. Poca talked endlessly about her “clouds”. How much she loved resting and laying her head on soft clouds (pillows, beds, fluffy things). She did not have this when she takes about her prior life in working kennels. After the session her own sent me the second photo of Poca enjoying her “clouds”. Sometimes the simple things you do for your pets are the most important. Sleep well Poca, you deserve it
Marcie D/Bobby, Lost Cat
“We were able to get him trapped and home this morning. (Pictures attached). Bobby was telling me exactly what to do and I was able to listen 🧡. It has truly been a miraculous journey and you have played an integral part in it all and in his return. “
Mary G./Brodie, Dog Brodie, the little handsome fuzz ball, he communicated his own dissertation through you. He does have sensitivity issues, which I and his groomer only know about. Yes he thrives on attention and truly looks crushed when people walk by him and don’t stop to pet or talk to him. He really is a little ham and wanted you to know it. When Maggie passed he became a different little fur baby. He stopped playing with his toys and he stopped eating. Since you have communicated with him, he now is starting to get his toys out and is starting to eat on his own with just a little coaxing.
Brodie and I always hug and look into each other’s eyes and I see pure love from him and it’s like he can see deep into my eyes with such emotion, which you also picked up on from him. Thank you so much for your reading of Brodie, I will get him that booster seat since he loves riding on the console 😉
Jessy G/ Finn – horse – I was blown away by Finn’s reading. Not only did you help him relay his feelings to me, you helped ME feel confident in my intuitive and horsemanship abilities! You were able to touch on facts that only Finn and I would know. You confirmed events from his past that I had a “hunch” about it but had no evidence to support my thoughts. One instance was I was certain he had done some pulling or driving work. I felt so strongly that he wore a collar and pulled something, but I was frequently told no, because he isn’t built for pulling or driving. Another was that I felt strongly that there was a little girl…and another time a woman. You mentioned both of those. He had a wreck (I think pretty recent to when I purchased him). He had wounds all over his legs and I thought he got caught in some sort of fence. You mentioned he was running and got caught in a fence and the men said he deserved it. When I got him, he ran. He ran hard to try and get away from people. At one point, when trying to catch him for the farrier to take his shoes off, he jumped the fence he was so scared of people and being caught. His first year with us he shuttered in fear. His body physically trembled and his hooves were TERRIBLE (you mentioned his sore feet in his previous home). My first vet said “he’s a horrible horse, you have no business owning him. That’s why he was at auction.” I cried and found a new vet.
Finn came home with me because my heart saw the amazing soul he had. He was broken, defeated and had given up on life…and happiness. It has been a journey…one I would NEVER change. I have heard horse trainers say don’t look the horse in the eye because it’s predatorial. You mentioned that I look Finn in the eye and we both get soft. That is true! I started looking into his eyes, letting him see into my heart and soul. I stopped because I questioned what I was doing because trainers said “don’t look a horse in the eye.” Then I started again because I knew that is when Finn felt at ease. We both would melt.
In your reading, Finn was worried that he didn’t deserve happiness because he kicked someone. I understand that completely because he will absolutely not willingly hurt anyone unless it is an accident or in the case you described, he was frightened for his life and not being heard. Even at his worse, when first arriving, he would go out of his way NOT to hurt me. I tell Finn all the time, I understand his hate towards humans. I will never let him down and I will protect him. He is safe.
Thank you for helping ME believe in myself! Although this reading was for Finn, it was life changing for ME! I am so grateful to you and your special little human for picking Finn and changing OUR lives!!
Kathryn C./Lion, Horse “Wow Angie! This is amazing. This is what I have felt for him for the past year. He can not take any pressure. Thank you I really enjoyed your reading. It is amazing that you can do this! I do have 2 teen agers in the barn that used to ride Lion.”
Specific barn situations that were bothering Lion were identified by Angie, and confirmed by his owner. Angie also identified 2 specific people in the barn that were connected to Lion. And she identified his inability to handle any type of pressure with training.
Sue B./ Nina, Cat – Angie Morin was instrumental in recovering my lost cat Nina. I found Angie online who was able to communicate with her, identifying her location, her reactions, state of mind and thoughts about returning home. Angie kept in touch with me all the time and was able to relay information and put together the pieces of the puzzle for ways to get her home, those of which I wouldnt ever have been able to figure out. She was compassionate and diligent in her efforts and I’m fairly sure without Angie I would still be looking in despair. Nina came home after 3 weeks and I am grateful forever.
Here is the good news message from Sue: Hello Angie, She came home! Thank you so much for all the help. Because of your communication to move the have a heart trap around, and putting it inside the garage, only leaving the side door cracked. Also last night, twice I put food at the front door, as you suggested, checked each time and it was eaten. This am there she is inside the trap. She ok, a little hyper, reorienting to the house. The other day I harnessed my cat Chessie and walked him outside and will do that for Nina, also the things you suggested. You were really helpful through this and gave me hope when I didnt think there was any hope THANKS THANKS, Sue
Mary G./Maggie, Dog – Angie, I am not sure where to begin. Maggie’s reading created tears in my eyes, as expected, but also brought so much comfort knowing she is still with me. She communicated with you so many factual loving thoughts that only the two of us shared. You also knew of this special bond we shared. I actually remember the moment I was at peace that she needed to leave me, it was a feeling between us that is truly unexplainable, and for her to let you know this is truly amazing. There were so many other facts that you wrote in her reading that I am amazed at this gift that you have and were willing to share with me and I am so grateful. I know there are others that I will recommend you to. You truly have a gift that should be cherished.
Zypp, Horse. This is one of the best readings I have ever done. Months ago I read this horse. He had attacked farm animals viciously and had been threatening his owner in the same way. The horse was not safe and the owner was not able to fix the problem. During the reading he (the horse) requested many things. Larger pasture, friends and… ready for this? A little girl! Who would think a horse with these behaviors would be suitable for a little girl? Well, guess what? His at the time owner listened to him and found him a little girl. She disclosed all of the information about him and his behaviors. And they took him anyway. Now fast forward months later. He is with this little girl, loved and happy! No behavioral issues at all! The past owner trusted and believed in the horses requests and honored those requests. I just read the horse again this week and he is a totally different being! He is relaxed, calm, happy and SO thankful his past owner got a reading and honored his requests! The horse is safe, quiet and calm! Not all humans would have taken this step. The lesson here is animals KNOW what they want and need. They are independent souls just like us. It is our job to honor their needs emotionally, physically and spiritually. Its about what they want, not what we want. This is one of the best parts of my job. Helping animals and helping people. I knew what the horse was asking for was accurate – but even I thought “ there is a very slim chance this owner is going to feel comfortable with this kind of change”. I am thankful for the trust as well. The trust in my ability and my service. Easy or hard I must always honor an animals requests to deliver the messages they want to share.
Jane V./Alfie, Dog: I found Angie by doing a web search; I chose her because she is here in Maine. Angie did a remote reading and body mapping on my dog Alfie using just his photo and his name. I had no information about him anyway – I adopted Alfie in early August 2021 from the Bangor Humane Society. All I knew was that he was picked up by Georgia Animal Control, never claimed, transferred to Bangor, and he is approximately 2½ years old. Angie gave me a 5-page typed report with so much information that Alfie wanted me to know, particularly about his earlier life, being a stray, being cold, lonely, scared, and very hungry. She also, through Alfie, answered my 10 questions, and gave me additional information from the body mapping about issues/injuries that he experienced. While nothing seems to affect him now, as he’s still young, I am aware of potential future issues. I’d been considering (but had never told Alfie) putting him in doggie daycare for a day a week so he’d have some friends. Alfie told her that he’s really very anxious around other dogs and just wants to be home where he’s warm, safe, and well fed, and that he’s happy with me. So no daycare for my little man! I cannot say enough positive things about how much Angie has helped me to understand Alfie better. I’ve already started some changes to help Alfie feel more confident and secure. I am so confident in and grateful for Angie’s report, I sent a copy to our vet for his file. This has been such a beneficial and incredible experience! I highly encourage and recommend you have Angie do a consult. Angie, thank you so much!
Rebecca H./Harrison, Dog: Harrison was having a hard time acclimating to his new family. His new family could tell he wasn’t happy. Angie was able to tell Harrison’s family what he needed to help him settle in and be a happier dog. Here is what his owner said: “I have not been able to do all of the things you suggested in your reading, but I have done a few and noticed a real difference. Harrison seems so much happier. He has even been caught playing with Molly, even if it’s just for a few seconds.
Meet Lexi- Angie read Lexi. Here is some feedback from her owner: OMG! THANK YOU!!!! This is so spot on! So she says no chickens…her companion pony just passed away last month. She seems to like the goats. Do you think that suffices? Thank you again! This is so insightful ❤ Thank you so much for the reading! I stopped micromanaging Lexi and have focused on her hooves. She is so much happier! We’ve been doing the parelli games and she is loving it and more importantly, no longer thinking I’m a stupid human with zero equine smarts 🤣 We both have begun to break down our walls and trust each other. I can’t thank you enough!!! We’ve been shopping for an equine friend but she seems real happy with her goats-calling to them if they leave her. We’ll continue to shop around for her perfect pal if she truly needs one😊 Thank you again! Your reading and insight has totally changed our relationship. I’ve been recommending you to everyone! – Jessie R.
Dawne P./Felix, Dog: Angie, You are real good!!! I can see why you book up. I got a trainer for Felix’s( and for me) and she great too. He doing great. Felix’s is doing Nose Work class in Kittery. He loves it and working hard. You have a great gift. You are real good. Thanks again, Dawne
Felix had many behavior issues and insecurities and Angie was able to help Dawne direct Felix to an area of interest (per Felix’s request) to help with confidence and behavior.
Jessica P./Kate, Horse: “Thank you for Kate and Loretta’s readings! I think that they are both really spot on! Kate is a new arrival for us, and very emotionally fragile. I understood immediately what you meant about the high expectations for her (and me!) since I just found out yesterday that her mother was a barrel racing champion and her father was a reining horse turned ranch horse for retirement.”
Cathy M./Baby Girl, Horse: Angie was able to validate the connection by telling her human Babe was stalled in the first stall on the right in the barn and how much she disliked the dentist. Here is her humans reaction to the reading with Angie: “WOW!!!! I’m still crying. lol. You are spot on about babe, she hated anything with her mouth, I couldn’t worm her, and cringed if I had to give her oral meds. Yes, the stall she spent the last 3 months in was the first on the right after grain room. its big. sunny.“
Ryan F./ Noble, Horse:Noble had a remote reading with Angie. In part of the reading, Noble shared he doesn’t like being rushed and refuses to be rushed. Here is what his owners had to say “The reading amazing!! He definitely does not like to be rushed, that’s for sure. Now I want all of my animals done! And we have a string!!!
Paisley, Dog: Angie was mentioned in Seacoast Newspaper for her part in helping reunite a dog lost for two weeks with her family! Angie was the only communicator that knew Paisley was still alive and outside in the surrounding location. Read more here.
Deborah H/Maggie Mae, Dog:
Again, I can’t believe how accurate you are. It is as though you are watching us interact in the house. Maggie sits in front of the door/windows to just watch outside. My greetings at the door is so full of love and excitement. She needs to be near me or touching me at all times day and night. No one else in our family gets this reaction. Then if I come in after work too focused on my cell phone or something else, Maggie sits on the floor just as you described completely disappointed after my greeting. I can see her bored eyes! Her purpose is to have me be more silly too. Her purpose is to allow me the experience as a parent. (I only have two stepchildren that don’t acknowledge me.) You described what is going on with her hips. She had ACC surgery in June and we noticed that she favors that front sometimes.
Being with other dogs, take it or leave it. She barks just like she is telling them to calm down and I feel exactly the what you told me is true of her personality. You are actually describing me too. All business! All points you made hit home! Thank you again Angie for a complete description of Maggie Mae and all of her needs. And you are right, I am not surprised by any of this, I know her well and I feel I know what she wants. You just confirmed everything for me! THANK YOU! Deb
Deb H./Harper, Dog: Meet Harper! “FYI – Harper’s first year of life – you nailed it! We know that she was adopted as a puppy by a young military man (22 years old) and he left her crated most of the time as he went out on training for days and weeks at a time asking neighbors and others to feed her and to let her out. His parents convinced him this was no life for dog. “
Betsy Hasty/Zoe, Dog
Yesterday my son had a. Reading on Zoe from Angie Morin(animal intuitive) she is amazing!. “Zoe is a healer and wants to be working with your mother in her reiki practice.” So last night Zoe received her Reiki 1 attunement. Thank you God for sending this beautiful,smart,loving spirit to us all”
Kristi Borst/ Sarge, Cat: “Hi Angie. Sarge definitely has issues with his throat chakra and has since we adopted him in 2005. He can not meow. He opens his mouth and just a breath comes out…… sometimes a squeak” Angie read Kristi’s cat Sarge remotely and was able to pick up on the throat chakra issue and communication issue.
Heather B./Bodie, Dog: “Great reading Angie. You nailed it!!!” Angie read Heather’s dog, Bodie, remotely and was able to pick up on personality and medical issues.
Julie Baxter Bogart/Vern, Cat: “OMG-THANKYOU for this insight into Vern! You are SPOT ON. We do have a very special bond. And he is not a large cat. He always sits on the couch with and has the biggest look of adoration for me. He is skittish around other. I am the only person he’ll allow himself to relax with/on. The hearing makes sense. He freezes a lot (easily startled) and looks around a lot. Thank you for reminding me he may like something with my scent around during the day. I have been giving him Reiki to help bring his energy system in balance. And, this year is all about new beginnings and stepping out of comfort zone. I have grown some in this area, but now I feel more empowered to step into.”
Angie read Julie’s cat, Vern, remotely. Angie was able to specifically pinpoint him “looking around a lot” and was able to tell Julie this is due to hearing issues. Angie was also able to connect at the soul level to both Julie and Vern and help Julie understand Vern’s purpose in Julie’s life is to help her with new beginnings and step out of her comfort zone.
MaryAnn Ratteree/Bailey, Cat: “Omgosh !!! THANK YOU !!! I’m not surprised by anything you said. The poor thing .., I can exactly understand what she is saying. I will try my best to make changes. I agree with her…, changes need to happen for both of us.” Bailey had been going to the bathroom outside of the litter box. Angie was able to pinpoint why and give MaryAnn feedback from Bailey on the changes that need to happen for the behavior to stop!
Sydney S./ Horse: “Thank you so much for the meditation because that helped a lot with confirming what happened to her.” Angie read Sydney’s horse remotely and was able to confirm a prior injury and it’s location (without being told about it before the reading). Angie also confirmed the history of the horse.